
Which factors are considered while estimating the cost of your project?

To determine the cost for the services of your project we consider:

• Length or duration of the project

When a project duration extends due to such factors as aeronautical parts delivery delays, customs procedures, unsuspected circumstances or a last minute finding, the cost of the project increases respectively. For you to minimize risks when the time comes for you to explore again the budget GranCM offers to put the project as a mid term at the very start which means an additional discount when the requested services are from 1 month and longer.

• Complexity.

 The amount of information that has to be handled and the ways to handle it differ from one aircraft type to another, it is not the same to go through a Back to Birth audit of an Embraer-190’s set of landing gears with an A320’s set of gears.

Complex projects require complex qualifications.


Project A
Aircraft Mid Lease Inspection
Requires a Specialist with background in aircraft inspections (licensed mechanic experience preferable) & Technical Records (CAMO engineer experience preferable).

Project B
Aircraft Transition
Requires a Specialist with background and experience in aircraft inspections (licensed mechanic experience preferable), aircraft maintenance planning, engineering, technical Records (CAMO engineering experience preferable), aircraft engine engineering, aircraft structures, logistics and technical purchasing if possible.

It is obvious that project B is more complex than project A.

On site

When GranCM specialist travels to the site where the service is going to be delivered.

For example: To over see maintenance in behalf of a Lessor.

When a GranCM services is required without the physical presence of the specialist.

For example: Airworthiness Directives analysis through technical records audit.


  • Specialist level

GranCM has specialists with diverse backgrounds and experience, but the high level of expertise that involves extensive knowledge in airworthiness, specific or rare engineering licenses, aircraft type ratings, or/and above average IT software competances – all this brings the added value to your project which has to be recognized.

Do not hesitate to request a quote, the estimate is free.