MRO Project Management

Time, Material, Skills and Resources

Project Management has been a cornerstone of GranCM since our inception. Often, sudden increases in vendor, client, or provider demands necessitate expert intervention.

Our extensive network boasts professionals specialized in MRO project management, ensuring optimal utilization of Time, Materials, Skills, and Resources. We prioritize what truly matters, delivering exceptional results and efficiency in every project.

Time – Our experts meticulously manage task hours, ensuring accurate billing and preventing errors or double payments. We ensure that man-hours are meticulously tracked through Non-Routines, Defects, modifications, and other tasks. These details are shared with all relevant parties daily and reviewed by each project manager to maintain accuracy and efficiency.

Material – We understand the material and components required for tasks and modifications. When managing projects at MROs, we work within the given CAP and ensure our clients have multiple options for each requirement. With our knowledge of aircraft models, we can offer alternative solutions such as part number interchangeability, upgrades, or permissible downgrades.

Skills – We have extensive experience in managing projects and a deep understanding of manpower requirements. Our specialists have backgrounds in engineering, planning, structures, engines, landing gears, and more. Tasks require specific skills, and we excel in roster management for task execution, allowing us to anticipate and mitigate potential delays in complex rectification tasks.

Resources – Leveraging our extensive experience in MRO environments, we possess a keen understanding of production and supply chain dynamics. This expertise allows us to identify flaws and enhance processes wherever possible.

GranCM’s “Project Manager” tool is included when managing two or more assets and is overseen by our personnel, delivering real-time information.